Kagyu Library plans to complete the Tibetan version of the 300 plus pages Sadhana for the Sangha’s morning and evening practice before the end of this year. It is hoped that the Sadhana will be offered to temples and lamas from Bhutan, Sikkim, India, Nepal and Tibet during the Kagyu Monlam to be held in Bodhgaya in December.
The rapid development in society has brought drastic changes to the daily life of many people, and a lot of work is now done by the computer. Despite continuous development and the progress of science, errors are inevitably made by chance or by intention because of lack of manpower or financial resources and individual preference. For instance, although the publication of Buddhist canons has to a large extent been digitized, we still face challenges in typing, proofreading and even the preservation of the original contents of the texts. Kagyu Library hopes to preserve the original Traditional wooden carvings of Saddhana of Karma Kagyu by scanning the texts for storage in the database of the Kagyu Library to serve as a master copy to aid proofreading and provide a source for verification in the future. Immense manpower and financial assistance are needed in the course of the project. We would like to solicit support and blessing from friends and followers who share our goal.